Congratulations to ILS Vice President of Research and Development, Dr. Les Recio, Ph.D., DABT and ILS Director of In Vitro Toxicology & Formulations, Carol Swartz, Ph.D., DVM and their co-authors in the publication titled, “Sensitive CometChip assay for screening potentially carcinogenic DNA adducts by trapping DNA repair intermediates.”
There is a need to develop in vitro alternatives to in vivo genotoxicity assessments as mandated by regulatory agencies worldwide for the registration and use of pharmaceuticals, pesticides and food-related products that require significant numbers of animals. ILS and MIT are developing a non-animal in vitro alternative to the Comet assay in rodents by using human hepatocyte cell models and CometChipÒ single-cell array technology integrating human xenobiotic biotransformation with higher throughput DNA damage assessment in a human-relevant system. Interlaboratory validation trials initiated in 2020 will develop the needed data to gain acceptance for the use of the HepaRG™ CometChipÒ assay as in vitro alternative to the in vivo Comet assay.
5U44ES024698-05 Development of a High Throughput DNA Damage Assay in Hepatocytes.