The Report on Carcinogens (RoC) contract team at ILS realeased the 14th edition of the RoC for NIEHS

The Report on Carcinogens (RoC) contract team at ILS has reached an important milestone with the publication of the 14th edition of the RoC for NIEHS. The RoC is a congressionally mandated report of the Public Health Service Act that provides information about the relationship [...]

The Report on Carcinogens (RoC) contract team at ILS realeased the 14th edition of the RoC for NIEHS2017-12-16T15:33:37+00:00

ILS paper recognized in this month’s NIEHS eFactor as an Intramural Paper of the Month

Congratulations to the ILS scientists whose publication was recognized by the NIEHS as an Intramural Paper of the Month. Strickland J, Zang Q, Kleinstreuer N, Paris M, Lehmann DM, Choksi N, Matheson J, Jacobs A, Lowit A, Allen D, Casey W.

ILS paper recognized in this month’s NIEHS eFactor as an Intramural Paper of the Month2017-12-16T15:32:51+00:00

ILS Posters were Presented at the 35th Annual Society of Toxicologic Pathology (STP) Symposium

ILS Pathologist, Becky Moore, was co-author on two posters that were presented at the 35th Annual STP Symposium, June 26-30 in San Diego, California. The posters were titled “The Route of Exposure Influences Nasal Lesion Distribution in Rats in NTP Studies” and “Thymomas in Fischer 344/N [...]

ILS Posters were Presented at the 35th Annual Society of Toxicologic Pathology (STP) Symposium2017-12-16T15:31:23+00:00